Join us to practice deep grounding so that you can live daily in your integrity and inner peace.

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Wild Intention

Creating with nature at the turning of the seasons

Seven weeks to nurture, align, and create with nature.  

Begins on the Equinox, September 21, 2020

Nature and the wild invites us to stand in awe, stand in our power and take right action, and nature offers to support us with each step.  

Would you like to feel you can always connect and know you are not alone?

Would you like to deepen your ties to this earth and practice walking in your own power? 

Co-creating your life with nature brings calm knowing and community.  Join us and create with nature to walk your life each day fostering respect and communication between humans and plants and animals. 

We are arriving at the Equinox, a moment of balance before the light shifts and the days become shorter in the Northern Hemisphere. While we humans grapple with personal and global challenges, we can rely on our connection with nature to guide and restore us. We will remember that we are nature. We will practice creating a more aligned and richer life by tuning in to natural cycles.

Every day is precious and our actions and our intentions are meaningful. Let’s gather in community to share, recharge, and create, all in harmony with nature’s teachings. We will practice standing in our strength and taking up space for our intentions.

Autumn is a time for gathering, as we harvest the bounty of summer, and a time of shedding as we release what’s not needed in preparation for winter. Let us gather ourselves and our resources to share and reflect deeply how we can live harmoniously.

Fall is also a time to nourish the roots that will carry us to the next season of growth by prioritizing sleep, rest, healing and strengthening. We will go on retreat together to connect with our natural guides, the plants and animals.

This moment is calling for us to clarify our role as humans. We know we are not separate from nature, so how do we translate that into how we live and create a meaningful abundant life? How do we restore ourselves and our environment, letting wild nature lead?


What you will leave with

  • Practice immersing in nature as a daily ritual. We will support you to deepen your intentions to connect with nature, and we will share as a community our learnings.

  • Learn to fully take up your space in the world inspired by nature– the voices of birds and insects, the unapologetic space that plants take as they grow. Practice allowing your existence and your thinking to be expansive.

  • Embrace the present moment with nature as your guide, not just once or twice a day, but as a way of being.

  • Cultivate your strength as you take cues from the power and resilience of the natural world.

  • Remember your deepest purpose that resides in you just as it resides in the seeds of plants and the hearts of wild animals. 

  • Get comfortable in a space of not knowing – embrace the journey and the adventure!

  • Move courageously and intentionally through the world.

  • Visualize personal and collective health and well being, practicing thriving in harmony with nature.

  • Create in nature, through writing, mandalas, altars, movement, ritual and more!  Each week we will offer new prompts and ideas to express your creativity freely. 

  • Choose intentionally how you spend your time and energy. We will offer techniques to work with nature to create a life that is always connected and in community.

  • You’re invited to join our private FaceBook group to gather with wonderful people.  This is a place for you to go and know that you will encounter restorative nature posts and support to ground and connect with the wild. 


Follow your longing to restore peace personally and globally.  Nature can support us.

Wild Intention Dates and times

 We will meet virtually via video/conference call on Mondays at 9 am Alaska, 10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, 12 pm Central, 1 pm Eastern

September 21, September 28, October 5, October 12, October 19, October 26, November 2 - connect from anywhere in the world!

Would you like to join us for Wild Intention? You have options!  

Wild Intention 

A live workshop series.  Seven weeks gathering in community via phone or video conference- join us from your own wild nature spot if you can! You’ll also receive a weekly note with actions, inspiration and recordings of our sessions, along with a guided meditation with our steps for connecting with wild nature – use it daily or as often as you like. $97 

Wild Intention with Coaching 

More individual guidance and nurturing with coaching to support your dreams.  Includes everything in the live workshop series and you get two 30 minute coaching sessions, one with Carla and one with Wendy. $147 

Wild Intention Full Package 

Delve deeper with the Wild Intention live workshops and add four 30 minute coaching sessions, two with Carla and two with Wendy. Is there something you crave doing?  Or an area you want more support in?  We are here for you with customized practices and steps to take:  $197 

More than ever, we need connection with nature, we don’t want hardships to keep you from this course.

Equitable Access is important to us.

We wish to encourage BIPOC to join, please contact Wendy or Carla with a line stating your desire to join us for our highly-discounted rate.

If you cannot afford the registration price due to present hardship, covid or otherwise, please contact Wendy or Carla with a line stating your desire to join us for our highly-discounted rate.

About Us  


Wendy is a gifted intuitive and coach who has sought out and studied with mentors from Alaska Native Chiefs to Thich Nhat Hanh to learn how to live intentionally and in peace with herself and the world.  Along the way, the trees and the animals and the land speak to her.

I love to sit in the morning quiet in my tropical New Orleans yard or under nearby moss draped oaks and be still. Inevitably I'm filled with wonder at all the living beings that surround me- whether I'm noticing tiny garden snails, dragonflies, songbirds or our resident box turtle. There is always magic and insight awaiting me, and if I listen carefully, guidance.  

When Wendy and I create together, special things happen, and we are so happy to offer you this beautiful opportunity to learn with the two of us from the comfort of your own home and yard.

Together, Wendy and I will teach you to connect more deeply with yourself by reconnecting with elements of nature and your own inner knowing.

Wendy and I have adventured together in Alaska, both in snowy fall and in green, green summer. We’ve hosted workshops and wild woman getaways, traversed the tundra picking blueberries or snowshoeing, and swam like mermaids in cold lakes and ponds. We’ve explored the ancient cypress-lined creeks of Texas and toasted in wildflower meadows. Everywhere we go we discover more ways of seeing and being. We have so much fun learning, leading and playing together! We are both avid explorers of nature on our own as well, and we would love to share with you techniques to envision possibilities for ourselves and for the planet.


What people are saying about workshops with Wendy and Carla:

“I’ve enjoyed being in community with this group. It’s very encouraging.”

“Here are my people!  I want more!  This has been a gift. It’s super-timely and what I’ve been missing.”

“This has all been a reminder to me to wake up. I like the idea of grounding – I never thought about remembering first to ground and balance.”

“I loved the connection time. It’s so sweet to connect with like-minded people. Very precious.”

“I think I’ve spent a lot of life feeling like I didn’t fit in. It’s taken me a long time to find my people. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this, taking a journal out and writing, doing things I did as a kid.” 

We hope you will join us for Wild Intention, beginning September 21.